When a man gives you a ring What does it mean in Khanewal, Pakistan

 When a man gives you a ring What does it mean in Khanewal

What Is a Promise Ring?

A promise ring is a ring given from one person to another in a romantic relationship to signify their fidelity and commitment, often (but not always) preceding an engagement. At its most essential, giving a promise ring symbolizes one partner's devotion to the relationship, and accepting the ring does so for the recipient.

Promise Ring Meaning

As the name suggests, promise rings represent a promise made between two people, but the specific, personal meaning can differ from couple to couple. "The appeal of the promise ring is derived largely from the many meanings it can represent," says Kimberly Kanary, vice president of public relations and social media at Kay Jewelers. "Many couples give or wear promise rings specifically to signify a future engagement, while others do so as more of a general symbol of devotion to one another."

"You're promising yourself to each other," explains Brooke Brinkman, vice president of marketing and communications at Simon G. Jewelry, who received a promise ring from her now-husband a year and a half before they got engaged. While in Brinkman's case, the ring was a promise there'd be an engagement in the future, that's not always the case. "I often think of promise rings as similar to the mid-century tradition of giving your high-school sweetheart your class ring or pin," says Elizabeth Woolf-Willis, GG, AJP, marketing coordinator at Simon G. Jewelry. "Now you're more than just 'dating'—there's a physical symbol of the relationship to show the outside world."

When a man gives you a ring What does it mean in Khanewal, Pakistan


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